什麼是備長炭? 帶你一炭究竟 About Binchotan
備長炭就是我們口中熟悉的"白炭"。原料以堅木、枹樹等材質堅硬的樹木為主。當中又以堅樹類中最硬的姥芽堅〈老目堅、馬目堅〉為原木作成的備長炭。備長炭與黑炭在燒炭過程中大致相同,但最後階段的精鍊溫度與消火法則有異,所以灰質也有很大的不同。燒炭時,要讓整個原木著火,需三天的時間,然後以約400度的溫度燜燒一週左右。到了最後階段,慢慢讓外界空氣〈氧〉進入,一舉提高溫度進行精鍊。精鍊時,備長炭需要耗時數日且用1000多度的高溫來進行。精鍊結束後,將炭取出窯外,以「消火粉」〈將樹皮的灰和炭燒後的灰以水調製成的〉熄火。 備長炭表面上的白色粉末就是這種消火粉,因此也稱為"白炭"。備長炭經高溫炭化以後結構成為脆而硬、其多孔性吸附力強、火力穩定、燃點高不易點燃、無味不刺鼻、無煙(燃燒時不會像一般木炭一樣煙霧瀰漫、火星四散)且非常耐燒,適用於一般居家環境淨化空氣及水質亦可用做高級料理之燃料。想知道更多有關備長炭的知識可參考這裡
Binchotan is a black wooden stick, looks like B.B.Q. charcoal, but different! It's also renowned as White charcoal or Activated charcoal, which is commonly used in purifying water. Following the Japanese traditional crafted procedures, only well-selected sustainably harvested hardwood to make this material. First of all, refine it in the kilns for many days with a temperature of over 1000 degrees. While it's over, the charcoal then removed and quickly cover with a special powder ( made from earth, bark, and charcoal ash), this brings a "white image", also shows the charcoal is now carbonized to be the glass-like activated charcoal, it's 100% natural and become hard and porous, also has a far-infrared effect, can be used in many ways, such as water filter or purify the air. After its key role of purifying water, there are many practical secondary uses to let the natural Binchotan doing its good both for you and our planet.

▲備長炭也稱"白炭",非常美麗。圖片來自維基百科 ▲備長炭能夠去除水中的氯,提供生物生長所需礦物質,裝飾用也非常合 適。感謝客戶張小姐提供照片
備長炭的功效 There is no other Charcoal that does so much with so little as Binchotan
1.過濾水質、淨化空氣 : 一公克的備長炭內部相當於300平方公尺的比表面積,由此可見附著力相當強。當氣體或是液體通過備長炭內部時,其中無數的細孔能夠吸附、過濾掉不好的雜質,例如: 氯、臭味。
Filter water + Purify the air : Each gram of Binchotan has equivalent to 300 square meters of space, which has very powerful adsorption on toxins, such as : Chlorine. It is an amazing material on filtering water and air with its countless pores.

2.除溼與除臭 : 備長炭能夠調節日常生活中空氣多餘的溼氣,利用其多孔的特性讓空氣中多餘的水氣或是造成異味的雜菌通過時會被吸附。
Dehumidification + Deodorizer : Binchotan is very helpful to regulate the excess moisture in the air and adsorb the odor molecular in daily life.
3.供給天然礦物質 : 備長炭放入水中時會釋放水溶性礦物質如 : 鈣、鎂、鐵來提高水的PH值(這就是為什麼有些人說備長炭水喝起來好像鹹鹹的),還能縮小水分子束使人體更容易吸收,給你一杯天然的礦物質弱鹼性備長炭水。
Impart natural minerals : Simply drop the Binchotan into drinking water, following the traced water-soluble minerals releases, which could turn drinking water into natural mineral water.

4.天然遠紅外線效果 : 泡澡時可以加入備長炭,因為備長炭的遠紅外線溫熱效果能夠輕鬆被人體吸收,縮小水分子束,使身體感到放鬆舒暢、促進血液循環。
Natural Far-infrared effective : The far-infrared wavelength of Binchotan can easily be absorbed by the human body, which is helpful to relax and promote blood circulation.
5.食品飲食 : 如今炭也越來越被廣泛應用於食品方面,例如將備長炭放入電鍋與米飯一起烹煮,天然的遠紅外線溫熱效果使米飯均勻受熱而變得更加鬆軟可口,讓注重養身的您有一個新的選擇。烤肉時也可以選擇使用備長炭來當燃料,備長炭具有無煙(不會出現一般木炭燃燒時煙霧瀰漫的情況)且耐燒的特性。除此之外,它的遠紅外線導熱性均勻能夠讓食物表面完全熟透卻不會過老過柴(遠紅外線能夠直接穿透表皮使裡外均勻受熱)、將食物的美味鎖在其中,吃起來更加色香味俱全,是不少高級料理店家的首選!
Food : Nowadays charcoal is more frequently used in cooking. EX : Binchotan stick could be used for rice-cooking, as its natural far-infrared effect could help to get rice softer and delectable. Indeed, you probably feel familiar to use charcoal for BBQ. Binchotan not only has characteristics of smokeless and burn resistant ( while it burns won't produce smoke like normal charcoal burning ) but also could extend the burning period and complete the burning energy.
第一次使用 : (1)打開包裝,取出備長炭。
(2)將備長炭用清水輕刷洗淨。 PS.切勿使用任何清潔劑
▲清洗備長炭時切記 : "勿"使用任何清潔用品
Q : Can I use Binchotan directly?
A : Step 1. Take out the Binchotan from the packaging.
Step 2. Cleaning it with tap water. ( Don't use any detergent.)
Step 3. Put it in a pot with clean water, boil it for 10~15mins.
Step 4. Dry the Binchotan for 1 Day under the shade.
Step 5. Drop it into your water bottle and start enjoying the natural mineral water.
別擔心! 因為當您將備長炭放入水中後炭與炭之間會互相摩擦而產生炭屑,屬於正常的現象,請您放心飲用。( 如果覺得炭屑太大或太多請過濾挑出來)
Q : There seems to have some tiny flakes when I put Binchotan sticks into my water bottle, is the water still safe to drink?
A : Due to Binchotan is 100% natural produced, after the carbonization, there could be some tiny flakes occur. The purified water is still safe to drink, but please avoid swallowing the flakes and remove them from your water bottle.
Q : My Binchotan stick is broken...does it still works?
A : Yes, indeed! Binchotan is a strong and hard material, but it also brittle which could be broken. But it still works just the same!
Q : Can I put Binchotan sticks in my drink?
A : No, we don't recommend to do that, due to the additives in other drinks may clog the pores of Binchotan.
使用中的備長炭需要清洗嗎? 多久該清洗一次? 又該如何清洗?
✘ 注意: 以上方法切勿加入任何清潔劑清洗。此外,用於空氣淨化、隔離電磁波之備長炭使用後不可再重複用於過濾淨水,可能會造成水質汙染。
Q : Does Binchotan need to be washed? How often should it be cleaned, and how to do it?
Filtering water
Purifying Air / Reduce electrical waves
How long
Two weeks
Three months
How to
It needs to be washed every fortnight. Simply clean it with tap water ONLY ( without detergent ), then dry it for 1 day under the shade. And now, it's ready to be reused again!
It needs to be washed in 3 months. Simply clean it with tap water ONLY ( without detergent), then dry it for 1 day under the shade. And now, it's ready to be reused again!
✘ PS. Please note that once the Binchotan for purifying the air, it can't be used to filter water anymore, it may cause pollution.
一般來說,用於過濾淨水的備長炭大約2~3個月做一次更換。用於淨化空氣的備長炭約6個月做一次更換即可。( 替換後的備長炭還有許多功能,別急著丟掉哦! )
Q : How long should I replace the Binchotan?
A : For Filtering Water : Between 2~3 months.
For Purifying Air : 6 months. We have some tips for the replaced Binchotan, don't through it yet!
Q : How can I recycle those replaced Binchotan, through them away?
A : No, you can't. There are many secondary uses on those replaced Binchotan, quite practical as well!
Deodorizer : You can put it in your bathroom, fridge, wardrobe...as a deodorizer.
Dehumidifier : Helpful to regulate the excess moisture in your wardrobe, shoebox...as a dehumidifier.
Green Fingers : Break it down and put in your garden, plant pots, and it could add nutrients to the soil which is helpful for your plants to grow healthier.

▲淨水過濾替換下來的備長炭可用於冰箱、鞋櫃等做除臭使用。 同時備長炭也富含礦物質有助於種植植物。