初創於西元1998年年中,因環保意識抬頭,公司創辦人陳秋雄先生以推廣備長炭之使用為目標設立公司,致力於綠能又環保的材料研發及產品生產且符合歐盟檢驗標準,同時也將備長炭產品多樣化、生活化來融入現代生活中。公司以熱心服務、積極推廣為宗旨來傳播正確的用炭知識。為了讓更多人了解到先人的智慧結晶從而減少高科技帶給我們的影響如 : 環境賀爾蒙、電磁波、戴奧辛、空氣、土地及水源等有毒汙染...使每個家庭都能充分感受並了解到備長炭的好處! 讓您的生活因為正確使用備長炭而多一份天然、多一分舒服。天然的備長炭不僅對綠色環境環保,對地球更是一大幫助。在陳秋雄先生的領導下我們有 : 最嚴格的把關來保證炭的高品質、用最真誠的態度來接待每一位客人,提供優質的產品及服務✔ 傳授正確的用炭知識✔ 讓大家感受到我們的用心,只為讓愛護大雄雙漁的您買的安心用的放心! 專業經營高級備長炭、可淨水用備長炭、燃燒炭、備長炭木酢液、竹酢液...等各式備長炭相關產品。

▲40呎貨櫃,絕對充足的貨源 ▲整齊、有秩序的分類好各種備長炭
Our Story
DHSY is a Taiwan based company. In 1998, Mr. Chen, who is the founder of DA HSIUNG SHUANG YU. One day, he realized how good Binchotan is, so he decided to create this company : DHSY, to promote Binchotan. DHSY is specialized in Binchotan and its relevant development. We aim to provide the finest quality products, services, bring Binchotan into daily life, and boost wellbeing to you and your loved ones. Let more and more people know our ancestor's wisdom about Binchotan : It can help to reduce the pollution from high techs such as : the environmental hormones, dioxin, electrical wave, air, land, and water. Not only improve our life quality but also protect our family from toxins.
Only Well-Selected▪For Best
Before give it to you, all of our products will go through the Ultrasonic cleaning➔Chose the right size➔Autoclaving➔Remove the ash by handmade of course, we wear the gloves and masks all the process. For make it as Food-grade processing and make sure when you receive our products is healthy, cleaning, and safety. Only Well-Selected can be the Best.

Marketing & Purpose
Making you feel better, we spend not only much time but also lots of spirits and labors to develop Binchotan products. Now under our efforts, in The UK, The USA, South Africa, French, and Own country our products are selling very well and be admired. In the future, we will keep doing our best to bring more green, more natural, more friendly Binchotan products to you and make our environment better. Welcome to call for cooperation, wholesale, OEM, retail, and group orders.
公司地址 : 台中市潭子區雅潭路三段一號 點擊可看地圖
營業時間 : 星期一~星期五 早上8 : 30~17 : 30
☎聯絡電話 : 04-2535-5476 ┃ 傳真 : 04-2535-5481
✉信箱 : tom7996@yahoo.com.tw
Company Address : No.1, Sec. 3, Yatan Rd., Tanzi District, Taichung City 427, Taiwan. Click here to watch the map
Opening hours : Monday~Friday Morning 8 : 30~17 : 30
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
☎ TEL : 04-2535-5476 ┃ FAX : 04-2535-5481
✉E-mail : tom7996@yahoo.com.tw
點擊 YAHOO也可前往我們YAHOO的賣場哦!!